You can work in groups of 2 or 3 students if you would like, but no more than 3. The name of each student from each group should be typed (not handwritten).
What you have to do for this report is:
- for the first treatment: create a stacked bar chart that shows the frequency of the amounts offered (you can calculate this amount subtracting the proposer demand out of $10) and within each bar shows the frequency of the offers accepted and rejected for that amount;
- for the first treatment: create a bar chart that shows the frequency of the amounts offered and accepted;
- for the first treatment: create a bar chart that shows the frequency of the amounts offered and rejected;
- for the second treatment : create a bar chart that shows the frequency of the amounts offered;
You have on Canvas two examples of graphs: a bar chart and a stacked bar chart.
The theoretical prediction is that the proposer offers the smallest amount possible. For this report, let's make the offer zero. Create a table and present the values for: theoretical prediction, the average amount offered in treatment 1, the average amount offered in treatment 2, the average amount offered and rejected in treatment 1, the average amount offered and accepted in treatment 1.
Try to explain why you think that there is a difference between what you observe in the data and the theoretical prediction for each treatment.
The graphs should be made in MS Excel or similar software, and your report should be typed in MS Word or similar software. You have to bring a hard copy of your report.
PS: Be sure that the graphs have a title, labels for axis, a legend (if it is necessary), the right colors so you can read the graph very easily even if it is printed black and white.
Below you can find samples of the graphs that you will create (those graphs used other data set, so your values/shape of the graphs should be different).
Attachment:- Bar Chart.rar