Create the follow program using Raptor. Use the concepts, techniques and good programming practices that you have learned in the course (example: using modular structure, using input validations....).
• Get input from users for student names and their final grades and store them in to a text file. End the input process with a sentinel value. You have to use input validation to validate input grades to make sure they are in number format and in range 0-100.
• After completing writing process into the file, access in to the text file, read the text file and store names and grades into parallel arrays (names and grades).
• Figure out and print out the average of all the grades of the students. Find and print out the student who's grade is highest. Find and print out the student who's grade is smallest. Print out all student with grade >=60 with a message "Congratulations, Name, Grade, You passed this class!", for those whose grades <60, Print out with a message: ""Sorry, Name, Grade, You failed this class!"
Example: "Congratulations, David, Your grade: 89, You passed this class!"
" Sorry, Dany, Your grade: 55, You failed this class!"
Display the following using proper labels.
+ Display the average of all the grades.
+ Display student name who's grade is highest.
+ Display student name who's grade is smallest.
+ Print out all student with grade >=60 with a message "Congratulations, Name, Grade, You passed this class!"
+ Print out all student with grade <60 with a message "Sorry, Name, Grade, You failed this class!"