I. Draw the flat structure tree diagrams for the following sentences. (You are not requiredto draw x-bar trees.)
1) The police might plant the drugs in the apartment.
2) The pre-med students should study diligently daily.
3) The tall boy from Idaho drinks smoothies for breakfast everyday.
II. The following sentence is ambiguous - it has three interpretations. Write down the three interpretations, and draw the flat tree structures representing the three different interpretations. Clearly indicate which tree structure represents which interpretation.
4) Someone shot the maid of the actress on the balcony.
III. For the following sentences, draw the deep-structure tree structure and indicate thetransformations taking place. Finally, draw the surface-structure tree. (You are required todraw two tree structures for each sentence).
5) What did John play during the concert yesterday?
6) Single mothers attended the workshop who love their children.
IV. Disambiguate the following sentence using predicate logic. Clearly specify which logic statement refers to which interpretation.
7) Every child played with a puppy.