
Create the controls on the form set the properties for

A. Steps required for planning and completing Programming Assignment One:

1. Analyze: Make sure you understand the problem and ask questions if you don't.

a. Create a flowchart before beginning to code

b. The flowchart can be typed in Word or Visio OR hand written and scanned in.

2. Design:

a. Generate the pseudocode for the program.

b. You should type the pseudocode in a Word document (if flowchart was created in Word, you can include this in the same file)

c. Desk check your pseudocode before coding it to make sure it works correctly.

3. Design the interface:

a. Create the controls on the form
b. Set the properties for a nice interface (see given sample form - problem statement page)
c. Give each control as well as the form meaningful names using proper prefixes.
d. Tab order should be set from top to down for fields that need to have focus.
e. Textboxes for Sideline and End Zone tickets should have an initial value of zero (0).
f. Make sure the form ‘looks good'; all controls are lined up.
g. The text properties should have appropriate values when needed.
h. Add an additional label that says "Programmed by:" and your name.

4. Code:

a. Following your pseudocode, translate into VB code.
b. Use camel casing and meaningful names for all variables.
c. Select appropriate data types as needed.
d. Before you submit your program, you must remove any empty stubs and unused variables.
e. Make the spacing consistent. Blank lines can be used within the code to make it more readable, but don't leave gaps in the program where you inserted too many blank lines accidentally.

5. Test and Debug:

a. Find and correct syntax, execution, and logic errors.
b. Test your program with a variety of input to be sure it works properly.

6. Complete the documentation:

Internal Documentation:

a. The program should include a general comment section just after the Public Class statement. Include:

i. Programmed by: Your full name
ii. CIS 115 and the class time.
iii. A general statement indicating the purpose of the program.

b. Comments (again) - Each event procedure should begin with a comment just after the header that states the purpose of that event.

c. Other comments may be included if you feel they are needed.

External Documentation:

Include the following:

- Flowchart
- Pseudocode

B. Other requirements

1. Once you have completed the program, you need to Zip it before it can be turned in. Name the file _Chap3_PP.

2. You will find a sample grade sheet in the Resources in USA Online. You may want to review it to make sure you have completed all of the elements that will be graded prior to submitting your files.

3. Before zipping your project, copy your pseudocode & flowchart into the Project folder. You will submit:

a. Zip file containing your VB project (with pseudocode and flowchart contained within)

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: Create the controls on the form set the properties for
Reference No:- TGS01577716

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