
Create template you use for all of the presentations

Q1. Think about presentations you have seen that were less effective than they could have been. If you were to make up your own version of the 10-20-30 rule in response to less effective presentations, what would your rule be? (It does not necessarily need to use numbers.)

Q2. You have decided to create a template that you will use for all of the presentations you make in class as a college student. Describe at least three features of your template.

Q3. Imagine that you are the digital media specialist for a large doctors' office. You have been asked to create the presentation that will loop on tablets that are in each exam room. The hope is that patients will learn about good health while they wait for their doctor. Describe what you might include in this presentation.

Q4. Continuing with the scenario from question #3, describe some of the style and/or formatting choices that you would make for this presentation.

Q5. Continuing with the scenario from question #3, describe one way that you might modify the presentation so that it would be accessible to the greatest number of people.


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Reference No:- TGS03416413

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