Code a doubly links, sorted list (in ascending order). Each item of the list will just store int. You need to code three classes: Node, SortedList, and GroupProject,
The Node class has three instance variables, all private:
*an int, representing the value stored inside the Node
*a Node (next)
*Another Node (previous)
The methods to code are : constructor (at least one), assessors, mutators.
The SortedList class is a doubly linked list, sorted in ascending order. it has two instance variables, both private:
*an int, representing the number of items in the list
*a Node, representing the head node in the list
The methods to code are:
*insert: this method takes one parameter, an int; it has a void return value.
*delete: this method takes one parameter, an int; it returns a boolean value. If we were successful in deleting the item (ie., the value of the parameter was found in the list), then we return true; if we were not successful, then we want to output a message that the value was not found, and therefore, not deleted, and return false.
*toString: this method takes no parameters and returns a String representation of the list.
*constructor (at least one), and assessors and mutators as appropriate.
All methods should keep the list sorted in ascending order.
The GroupProject class contains the main method; it should do the following:
*create SortedList object reference
*insert successively the values 25, 17, 12, 21, 78, and 47 in the sorted list
*output the contents of the sorted list using the toString method (obviously, 30 will not be found)
*output the contents of the sorted list using the toString method
*delete from the sorted list the value 21, using the delete method
*output the contents of the sorted list using the toString method
Your insert and delete methods should work properly in all possible scenarios: inserting in an empty list, inserting at the beginning of a list, inserting in the middle of a list, inserting at the end of a list, deleting from an empty list (cannot delete), deleting an item not in the list (cannot delete), deleting the first item in a list, deleting in the middle of a list, deleting the last item in a list.