Assignment-Leadership Goals and Plans Instructions
Leadership Goals and Plans -Work alone: evaluate and brainstorm a variety of ways to improve your leadership performance. Think of a dream you have to experience something very exciting or great as a leader or as a worker.
Set at least one big hairy audacious goal (BHAG) and 3 to 4 smaller but SMART goals to improve your leadership skills - refer to THE leadership strengths and gaps you created from Activity #1 in class and refer to your strength finders' assessment results.
Each student must submit an original and personal Leadership Plan.
The assignment must be at least four pages, double-spaced, APA style, which includes a cover page. There can be graphics, charts and other art, but the written portion must be four typed pages.
Create S.M.A.R.T. goals to improve your leadership.
1. S = Specific
2. M = Measurable
3. A = Achievable
4. R = Reachable [Realistic]
5. T = Time-bound
Make this a creative, written and visual experience if you like. Your paper must be at least four typed pages, excluding graphics, photos or pictures.
Upload with your name on the file.