
Create project report format

Project Report Format

Arial 12 pt font

1.5 spaces between lines

Begin each section on a new page

Writing should be crystal clear with no typos.

Executive Summary: One half page description of project objective, methods used, results and recommendations Background: One paragraph based on updated information from submitted proposal (your own words)

Statement of Objective and Research Questions: A paragraph description based on updated information from submitted proposal (your own words).

Methods: One page description of what was done. Base this on the subcategories used in proposal (your own words).

Limitations: One paragraph description of what factors might limit the conclusions and recommendations (e.g. sample size, customers refusing to participate)

Results: For each research question above, summarize your findings in two paragraphs and include at least one Figure or Table to illustrate your results for this research question.

Conclusion: Describe in two paragraphs your summary thoughts on the project.

Recommendations: Describe in bullet points your recommended actions for the organization based on the project's findings.

References: List any references you used in the project.

Appendix: Place survey here.

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Other Management: Create project report format
Reference No:- TGS01776733

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