1. Create an original PowerPoint presentation using Theme of your choice:
o Six slide minimum; 10 slide maximum
o No more than 6 lines or bullets per slide o Less than 25 words per slide
o Use pictures and/or graphics
2. Provide a bulleted list on at least one slide
3. Use a slide transition (Please view the YouTube video in this Module which explains transitions and how to use them)
o Transitions should add meaning and support the presentation. Do not randomly add transitions without giving thought as to how they benefit your presentation.
4. Use animations where appropriate (Please view the YouTube video in this Module which explains animations and how to use them)
o Animations should add meaning and support the presentation. Do not randomly add animations without giving thought as to how they benefit your presentation.
o Insert a picture or graphic where appropriate
5. Add notes to the Notes section of the slides (Please view the YouTube video in this Module which explains the Notes section