
Create powerpoint presentation on language development you

Imagine that you are the director of a childcare center and are planning for the "Week of the Young Child," an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. As the director, you are planning a mini-conference on children's early literacy for caregivers, teachers, and parents.

As part of your task, you need to create a newsletter or PowerPoint presentation that describes the topics that will be covered in the workshop. Your newsletter or presentation should be focused towards gaining attendance to the workshops you are planning below:

In Workshop 1, you will give a developmentally appropriate example of a creative drama based on a popular story book that you would use in a classroom or center setting.

In Workshop 2, you apply your knowledge about the developmentally appropriate principles, language development, and investigative play critical to creating a learning center for children in the preschool age group.

In Workshop 3, you will give a developmentally appropriate example of a read aloud activity based on a popular story book that you would use in a classroom or center setting for kindergarteners. In this workshop, please share the five guidelines for selecting books to read aloud to a group of kindergarteners and how to apply those guidelines to a popular storybook.

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English: Create powerpoint presentation on language development you
Reference No:- TGS01033849

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