
Create personal wellness plan for client

Develop a Personal Wellness Plan for a client that is designed to accommodate the special wellness concerns of the individual. This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to pull from all the relevant wellness, physical fitness, and nutrition coaching skills learned in this course (and all other skills learned in the program) in order to produce a final product that integrates and assists the client in reaching their personal wellness goals. This is an individual assignment worth 30% of the total course mark DUE Week 12.
Follow these directions when completing your assignment.

Part I

1. Contact your client within one week of receiving this assignment.
2. Book a 90 minute appointment - Make sure you have about 1 hour after your meeting free so that you can write notes and brainstorm ideas (while everything is fresh). Record the session using a recorder provided by the program (if you choose). Book another follow-up meeting if necessary and also book a meeting for delivery of the final plan.
3. Submit the client contact information *note- the client will not be contacted unless it is necessary to verify participation.
4. Meet with the client to discuss their wellness goals.
5. Use the skills learned in your coaching and other courses to help the client get clear on one specific area of wellness that they wish to address.
6. Define one major area and set a of goals, using any appropriate assessment tools/resources within the conversation. This would address the client and their whole life.
7. Break the goal down into 'chunks' and set smaller little goals that will help the client work toward achieving the bigger ones. This would be the smaller steps required to achieve the bigger goal.
8. Using powerful questions and curiosity and other coaching skills as appropriate, uncover client strengths around their ability to achieve their goals and any obstacles that may be present that will get in the way of the client's success and strategies to overcome them.

Part II- Wellness Plan Development- 20%

Prepare a Wellness Plan for submission to your client including the following:

  • One paragraph summation of client wellness objective
  • Your interpretation of the information discussed (what has the information revealed to you)
  • SMART goals and little smart goals related to each one
  • Strengths & Obstacles Summary
  • Action/Activity: Prepare additional educational information, resources, activities and appropriate tools that will assist the client in reaching their goals and explain why you have selected them (it's a good idea to include this with each goal)
  • Outline the steps you recommend to ensure sustainability for the client plan (self- contracts, progress evaluations, self-monitoring tools , schedules, peer buddy systems, social support systems etc)
  • Include client: Name, email and phone number and your relationship to them (friend, colleague, classmate etc.)

Part III- Reflection- 10%
After submitting your plan to your client write a reflection outlining the following:
o What went well in your coaching sessions?
o What would you do differently next time?
o What was the most / least gratifying moment of the sessions?
o How did the client receive the final product? What was their feedback?
o What were the most powerful skills that you used and how did it impact your session(s)?
o What skills would you like to experiment with more and why?
o How do you plan to follow-up with the client?
Notes to consider:

  • A copy of the Wellness Plan should be printed for the client on good quality paper and either bound or put into a professional looking folder- the use of colour and graphics is encouraged
  • Deliver Wellness Plan to client in person at your second meeting
  • Submit an electronic copy to the e-Centennial Digital Drop Box of the plan to your Instructor * if due to the nature of your assignment, you are unable to digitize it and submit it electronically, make arrangements with your instructor for an alternate submission method
  • Add your reflection to the above document when submitting (not necessary to share with your client)
  • 5% per day will be deducted for late assignments

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Other Subject: Create personal wellness plan for client
Reference No:- TGS0686755

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