Instructions for the Case Report:
1. Download the data (go to Course Content, Learning Modules, Week 4)
2. You can download StatTools (add-in for Excel) to perform some of the functions in Excel (But this is not required). The use of StatTools is optional. But certain functions are easier to perform with StatTools.
Go to
Select under Book Resources: Palisade Decision Tools
Fill in the form (your name, class, email, etc); Submit
You will see a page: Download Student/Textbook Software
Click on Download Decision Tools Suite Industrial
Download it, unzip, and double-click on the extracted setup executable
Install the program and several shortcuts will be created on your desktop
Click on StatTool and it will open the excel file and automatically add-in is added to Excel
You can start using StatTool (instructions are in the book, Chapter 1-how to insert data first)
Instructions on specific tools are in the appendix to most of the Chapters.
Case Problem 1, Chapter 2
1. Create percent frequency distribution tables for key variables: type of customer, net sales, method of payment, gender, marital status and age (Follow the instructions on pages 40-41 or p.49 (use of PivotTable) )
Need a table with: Frequency, Relative Frequency, and Percent Frequency
2. Create a bar chart or a pie chart (Follow the instructions on pages 42-43)
2. Create a crosstabulation (Follow the instructions on page 69)
3. Create a scatter diagram (Follow the instructions on page 75 or page 96 (with StatTools)
Chapter 3, case study 3:
1. Provide summary statistics (mean, median, mode, standard deviation) for the variables (Follow the instructions on page 102 and page 115 or page 117) or page 161 (with StatTools). Provide graphical summary: construct histogram. (Follow the instructions on pages 54-55 or page 95 (with StatTools))
2. Summarize the frequency, total amount spent and average amount spent by day of week and by type of browser (Follow the instructions on page 49). Use PivotTable.
a) By day of the week:
Row labels (Day)
Count of Day
Sum of Amount Spent
Average of Amount Spent
b) By type of browser:
Row labels (Browser)
Count of Browser
Sum of Amount Spent
Average of Amount Spent
3. Plot scatter diagrams (Follow the instructions on page 75 or page 96). Compute the sample correlation coefficient (Follow the instructions on page 140-141 or page162 (with StatTools))
Attachment:- Assignment.rar