Create parts and assembly of the Tool Post shown in the figure. Remember to profile and constrain (add dimension) your sketch for each model. Use appropriate solid modeling techniques and 3-D constraints as necessary.
Create and Print the front, top, right-end and isometric views for each part model. Dimension the orthographic views appropriately.
Create and Print the front, top, right-end and isometric views for the assembly. Obtain a full sectional front view of the assembly.
Create and Print Exploded view and create a bill of materials for the assembly.
Create a presentation for the isometric view of the assembly.
Create an animation (avi) file.
Create a folder with your Project name under the Group Name and save your Inventor files such as idw, ipt, iam, ipn and avi to your folder depending on the project requirements. Your group will show the presentation file in the class. All files related to the project must be in
the project name folder and turned in to the professor by the due date of the project.