
create page website to catalog some of the musica

Create page website to catalog some of the music:

  1. A homepage: that automatically comes up when you go to (instead of the default Ruby-on-Rails page). This page will describe your musical tastes including your two favorite types of music. These two types could be like: rock and classical, or folk and rap, or whatever and whatever else.
  2. A music page that lets you manage a database of your favorite pieces of music. The music must be in a database that tells:
    • Composer
    • Piece name
    • Artist
    • Year recorded
    • Music type (don't just call it "type", that's a reserved word)

The music page should:

    • At the top of the page tell how many pieces are listed in the db
    • Tell all 5 attributes for all pieces of music listed
    • If that piece of music is your first type of music then color it red.
      If that piece of music is your second type of music then color it blue.
      If that piece of music is neither of your favorite types then just list it in generic black.
      (You may just use colored text)

At the bottom of the page should be a link to the music database's index page that has the clickable text "Manage music db"

  1. A math page that prints a multiplication table from 1*1 = 1 to 10*10 = 100.
    If the product is even then write the product in green.
    If the product is odd then write the product in red.

4.  1 * 1 = 1

5.  1 * 2 = 2

6.  1 * 3 = 3

7.  1 * 4 = 4

8.  . . .

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DOT NET Programming: create page website to catalog some of the musica
Reference No:- TGS0204529

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