
Create or find on the internet one example of a data

Discussion 1

1. Please visit the Kahoot web site: kahoot

2. View the video and read about this tool.

3. Create thread by explain how you can use, how do use Kahoot in particular teaching/learning situation.

Suggest at least two uses for Kahoot. Also discuss the features of Kahoot that make it such an appealing classroom tool.

thread should consist of at least 100 words.

Discussion 2

Read Ch. 5 of the textbook: Data Collection and Analysis

After reading the chapter:Briefly describe the concept development model and say what kind of learning content is best suited for this kind of instruction.

• Select a grade level and concept in any content area of chosen major. (choose kindergarten or first grade)

• Create, or find on the Internet one example of a data organization graphic and explain how would use it when you implement your concept development with your class. Remember to state the grade, subject and instructional goal of presentation example.

• Explanation : 100 to 150 words. Example: must be added as an attachment link.

• Do not use the exact examples in the textbook, but you may adapt them to serve own instructional goals and lesson objectives.

• Please take note of this quote from the textbook to assist you in your choice of document:

"We recommend that initial attempts at concept development instruction include some form of data organization, like a table, matrix, concept map, graph, chart, or Venn diagram." (p. 80).

• Here are some further guidelines as to what is required for the attached graphic:

1. Only one graphic needs to be included.

2. You may create own graphic, adapt a graphic you find on the Internet, or use a graphic you find as is, if it meets purpose exactly.

3. The graphic must help to develop understanding of a concept in students, so should meet a very specific learning objective.

4. You must fill in at least some of the data, if not all of it on the graphic. You may leave some blank spaces, for students to complete it.

Discussion 3

Read Ch. 6: Inquiry of the textbook

"Every inquiry begins with the presentation of the problem. An effective presentation causes students to wonder why. Presentations may include experiments, videos, reading an essay, telling a story, etc. The type of presentation is only limited by one's imagination and the nature of the problem requiring an explanation.

However, in order for the inquiry to be successful, the presentation must focus on a specific problem that requires an explanation and that is within the students' level of understanding." (p. 98)

1. Briefly describe the inquiry instructional model and its goals.

2. What are the 5 steps in the inquiry process? List them.

3. Bearing in mind your students' developmental level and your subject field, decide on a problem for your students to investigate.

4. Then describe the presentation media and/or technologies you would use for each step of the process, and discuss the student outcomes you hope to achieve. You may choose to describe a webquest for your chosen problem and grade level instead. For a webquest, use the steps listed on p. 102 of the textbook.

Discussion should consist of 100 to 150 words.

Discussion 4

Read Chapter 7: Problem-based Learning of the textbook.

Then address the following questions in the discussion:

• What is problem-based learning?

• How does the PBL model of instruction differ from the Inquiry instruction model?

• Identify a problem which is grade-level appropriate, in one content area with which you are familiar.

• What resources, tools and knowledge would your students need to solve the problem?

Guidelines for choosing a problem to discuss:

• Select a problem that has to do with the school or local community.

• Keep thedescription very brief. No need to go into much detail.It should be 100 to 150 words.For web resources for PBL: See p. 121 of the textbook for ideas on possible problems for PBL lessons.

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Dissertation: Create or find on the internet one example of a data
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