
Create or expand upon a solid criminal justice policy


Based on what you have learned in this class, create or expand upon a solid criminal justice policy, provide details, supporting research, and steps taken as to how you think it should be implemented into our criminal justice system. Base this recommendation off of everything you have learned (e.g., crime statistic, legal definitions, why people commit crimes, victimization, police, courts, corrections, CJ policy, etc..) your policy should be directed at either controlling crime or changing something existing within police, courts, or corrections. Be sure to use several resources to back up your justification for the policy. Also be sure to give your policy a name!

(I have chosen "court" and the informative part of domestic violence victims in civil law matters, whether it's a divorce, custody case, protection order or peace order hearings, how the court re victimizes victims or lack of belief in victim and support as it relates to being a victim and litigation with an abuser, post separation abuse awareness, and most importantly judges and magistrates over these cases having training and classes on the depths of domestic violence, recognizing other forms of abuse than just physical, but mental, financial, litigation, and post separation abuse.


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Reference No:- TGS03235499

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