
Create one behavioural strategy that promotes a literacy

Dual Language Book Assignment

Assignment Description: For this assignment you need to develop and apply your knowledge of children's language, communication & literacy development and literacy teaching practices as outlined in the Early Learning Framework (ELECT) and course readings. In class you will share the book you have chosen, the literacy strategies you have developed, and the materials you have created. As a class you will collaboratively build a library of teaching resources. With a focus on home language and dual language books, this assignment highlights a key ELECT principle:

Demonstration of respect for diversity, equity and inclusion are prerequisites for optimal development and learning. (ELECT, p. 11)

Assignment Expectations

1. Find a dual-language children's book for children in the age range 0-8 years. If you have a home language other than English, please DO find a book in your home language. We want to celebrate your knowledge and develop your pedagogical skills in multiple languages!

Bring the book to class in week 3 to share and read aloud in a small group.

2. Write a summary using the template attached, and be prepared to share your ideas orally with your group in week 3. Create pedagogical strategies that promote a literacy skill for that age group. Use specific examples from the book you have chosen.

a. Create one verbal strategy that promotes a literacy skill for that age group (i.e., learn key words/phrases in multiple languages).

b. Create one behavioural strategy that promotes a literacy skill for that age group.

For a specific skill, cite the Early Learning Framework (ELECT), and for strategy ideas citethe "Storybook Reading for Young Dual Language Learners" handout.

3. Create and bring a prop that you could use when sharing the story with children. Props could include photographs, objects that relate to the story, or simple puppets (e.g., photocopied storybook characters on popsicle sticks, sock or glove/mitten puppets, felt puppets, etc.).

4. Discuss how you could support a child's home language in a shared reading experience. Provide 2 strategies that could work when the language is other than your own.


Student's Name:

1. Book Information:


Brown, M. (2007). My name is Gabito: The life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Flagstaff, Arizona: Luna Rising Publishers.

Age Group (cite Early Learning for Every Child Today [ELECT]:
One Paragraph Summary of the Book:
Languages in the Book:

2. Pedagogical Strategies (Give specific examples from your book):

a. Verbal Strategy

• One paragraph, citing The Continuum of Development (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2007) and "Storybook Reading for Young Dual Language Learners" handout (Castro & Gillanders, 2011).

b. Behavioural Strategy

• One paragraph, citing The Continuum of Development (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2007) and "Storybook Reading for Young Dual Language Learners" handout (Castro & Gillanders, 2001).

3. When sharing any book with a child who speaks a language that you don't speak, how can you support his/her home language? (Do not use strategies that you have listed above):

4. Provide a reference list including your picture book, ELECT, the handout, and your English textbook/APA Manual.

5. Be prepared to read your book aloud, share your strategies, and show your props in small groups. (5 marks)

Success Criteria

• My choice of book provides rich language and illustrations in two languages.
• I am familiar with the text, and share effectively with classmates.
• I have developed strategies that clearly relate to this specific children's book.
• I have developed strategies that clearly relate to ELECT skills.
• I have selected skills that are developmentally appropriate for the age group.
• I have quoted the Early Learning Framework (ELECT) and the "Storybook Reading for Young Dual Language Learners" handout. Iclearly used course materials to create my strategies.

o My quotations include quotation marks and the p. # (APA-style citation format).

o I used my English/Composition & Rhetoric textbook or APA Manual to proofread & correct my original draft.

• I have written a page for References, in APA-style format.
• I have created and used props that enhance the story reading experience.

Text Book: Storybook Reading for Young Dual Language Learners by Cristina Gillanders and Dina C. Castro.

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Other Subject: Create one behavioural strategy that promotes a literacy
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