
Create new salary object based on the gross salary

Discuss the below:

Create new salary object based on the gross salary

Store new salary object in array

Check if the new gross salary is the new minimum and update accordingly

Check if the new gross salary is the new maximum and update accordingly
using System;

class SalaryCalculator
// Constants for the Canada Pension Plan calculations
const float cppMaximum = 1831.5F;
const float cppRate = 0.0495F;
const float cppExemption = 3500.0F;

// Constants for the Employment Insurance calculations
const float eiMaximum = 772.2F;
const float eiRate = 0.0198F;

// Constants for the provincial tax calculations
const float pTaxMaximum1 = 33375.0F;
const float pTaxMaximum2 = 66752.0F;
const float pTaxRate1 = 0.0605F;
const float pTaxRate2 = 0.0915F;
const float pTaxRate3 = 0.1116F;
const float pTaxExemption = 8044.0F;

// Constants for the federal tax calculations
const float fTaxMaximum1 = 35000.0F;
const float fTaxMaximum2 = 70000.0F;
const float fTaxMaximum3 = 113804.0F;
const float fTaxRate1 = 0.16F;
const float fTaxRate2 = 0.22F;
const float fTaxRate3 = 0.26F;
const float fTaxRate4 = 0.29F;
const float fTaxExemption = 8012.0F;

// Declare a member field for the gross salary to be updated
// by CalculateNet( )
float grossSalary;

// Declare a member field for the CPP deduction to be updated
// by CalculateNet( )
float cpp;

// Declare a member field for the EI deduction to be updated
// by CalculateNet( )
float ei;

// Declare a member field for the provincial tax to be updated
// by CalculateNet( )
float pTax;

// Declare a member field for the federal tax to be updated
// by CalculateNet( )
float fTax;

// Declare a member field for the net salary to be updated
// by CalculateNet( )
float netSalary;

// CalculateCPP
// This method calculates Canada Pension Plan deductions based on
// a gross salary. It returns the result of the calculation as a
// single-precision floating point value.

float CalculateCPP( float gross )
// Declare a local variable to store the result
float result = 0.0F;

// Calculate the salary less the exemption and
// ensure that it is greater than 0.0F
float salary = Math.Max(gross - cppExemption, 0.0F);

// Calculate the CPP deduction and ensure that it does not
// exceed the cppMaximum
result = Math.Min( salary * cppRate, cppMaximum );

return( result );

// CalculateEI
// This method calculates Employment Insurance deductions based on
// a gross salary. It returns the result of the calculation as a
// single-precision floating point value.

float CalculateEI( float gross )
// Declare a local variable to store the result
float result = 0.0F;

// Ensure that the salary is greater than 0.0F
float salary = Math.Max( gross, 0.0F );

// Calculate the EI deduction and ensure that it does not
// exceed the eiMaximum
result = Math.Min( salary * eiRate, eiMaximum );

return( result );

// CalculatePTax
// This method calculates provincial taxes based on a gross salary.
// It returns the result of the calculation as a single-precision
// floating point value.

float CalculatePTax( float gross )
// Declare a local variable to store the result
float result = 0.0F;

// Calculate the salary less the exemption and
// ensure that it is greater than 0.0F
float salary = Math.Max( gross - pTaxExemption, 0.0F );

// These selection statements calculate provincial taxes based
// on the actual rules. It is assumed that the brackets do
// not have gaps between salary brackets.
if( salary <= pTaxMaximum1 )
// All salary is taxed at pTaxRate1
result = salary * pTaxRate1;
else if( salary <= pTaxMaximum2 )
// Portions of salary are taxed at 2 different rates
result = pTaxMaximum1 * pTaxRate1
+ (salary - pTaxMaximum1) * pTaxRate2;
// Portions of salary are taxed at 3 different rates
result = pTaxMaximum1 * pTaxRate1
+ (pTaxMaximum2 - pTaxMaximum1) * pTaxRate2
+ (salary - pTaxMaximum2) * pTaxRate3;
return( result );

// CalculateFTax
// This method calculates federal taxes based on a gross salary.
// It returns the result of the calculation as a single-precision
// floating point value.

float CalculateFTax( float gross )
// Declare a local variable to store the result
float result = 0.0F;

// Calculate the salary less the exemption and
// ensure that it is greater than 0.0F
float salary = Math.Max(gross - fTaxExemption, 0.0F);

// These selection statements calculate federal taxes based
// on the actual rules. It is assumed that the brackets do
// not have gaps between salary brackets.
if( salary <= fTaxMaximum1 )
// All salary is taxed at fTaxRate1
result = salary * fTaxRate1;
else if( salary <= fTaxMaximum2 )
// Portions of salary are taxed at 2 different rates
result = fTaxMaximum1 * fTaxRate1
+ (salary - fTaxMaximum1) * fTaxRate2;
else if( salary <= fTaxMaximum3 )
// Portions of salary are taxed at 3 different rates
result = fTaxMaximum1 * fTaxRate1
+ (fTaxMaximum2 - fTaxMaximum1) * fTaxRate2
+ (salary - fTaxMaximum2) * fTaxRate3;
// Portions of salary are taxed at 4 different rates
result = fTaxMaximum1 * fTaxRate1
+ (fTaxMaximum2 - fTaxMaximum1) * fTaxRate2
+ (fTaxMaximum3 - fTaxMaximum2) * fTaxRate3
+ (salary - fTaxMaximum3) * fTaxRate4;
return( result );

// CalculateNet
// This method calculates a net salary by prompting a user for
// a gross salary, calculating all deductions and taxes, and
// then calculating the net result. The result of the calculation
// is displayed but not returned.

void CalculateNet( )
// Prompt the user for the grossSalary and parse it
// accordingly.
Console.WriteLine( "\nSalary Calculator\n" );
Console.Write( "Enter the gross salary of the employee: " );
grossSalary = float.Parse( Console.ReadLine( ) );
Console.Write( "\n" );

// NOTE: The assignment to the member fields is necessary
// since the methods have not been designed to modify
// the member fields directly. This design allows the
// methods to be easily changed to static functions
// for the purpose of calculating deductions without
// the need for an instance of a SalaryCalculator.
cpp = CalculateCPP( grossSalary );
ei = CalculateEI( grossSalary );
pTax = CalculatePTax( grossSalary );
fTax = CalculateFTax( grossSalary );

// Calculate the netSalary by subtracting the deductions
// and taxes
netSalary = grossSalary - cpp - ei - pTax - fTax;

// Output the results in the format specified
Console.WriteLine( "Gross Salary {0,10:C}",
grossSalary );
Console.WriteLine( "Canada Pension Plan - {0,10:C}",
cpp );
Console.WriteLine( "Employment Insurance - {0,10:C}",
ei );
Console.WriteLine( "Provincial Tax - {0,10:C}",
pTax );
Console.WriteLine( "Federal Tax - {0,10:C}",
fTax );
Console.WriteLine( " -------------" );
Console.WriteLine( "Net Salary {0,10:C}",
netSalary );

// Main( ) provides the entry point for the program. It does not
// accept any command-line arguments nor does it return a value to
// the calling program.
static void Main( )
new SalaryCalculator().CalculateNet();

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Programming Languages: Create new salary object based on the gross salary
Reference No:- TGS01935897

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