Based on the following information, create in Microsoft Project, a WBS and then an AON. Add at least 4 milestones. Now add a lag of two days to an activity on a noncritical path.
There are five employees involved in these activities. Assign the tasks to people and create their pay rate, then add a few material resources, and then check to be sure that no one and no equipment is over assigned. No human can work more than eight hours in a day, nor 40 hours in a week.
Create a Gantt chart to show that you are on time ten days into the project, and another to show that you are late by 2 days.
Now adjust the work week from five days (All of the figures are based on an 8 hour day, working Monday to Friday) to seven days a week, but no one person can work more than 40 hours in any week. Print out the new ANO and Gantt chart.
Create a split view.
What is the baseline plan? What is the cost of the project?
Activity Preceding activities Best Likely Worst TE
A - 12 15 25 16
B A 4 6 11 7
C - 12 12 30 15
D B, C 8 15 20 15
E A 7 12 15 12
F E 9 9 42 15
G D, E 13 17 19 17
H F 5 10 15 10
I G 11 13 20 14
J G, H 2 3 6 3
K J, I 8 12 22 13
The activities can be anything you want. If you are lost, try constructing a house.