
Create hour to hour and half long power point lecture 20-25

Environmental Science Final Project

Create hour to hour and half long POWER POINT lecture (20-25 slides) using the following topics: Human Population Dynamics, Recent Climate Change, Ozone in the Atmosphere and they Hyrdologic Cycle, Streams and Groundwater, Soil and Land Degradation, Fossil Fuels and Renewables, Future Energy Sources and Sustainability

Incorporate graphics (and/or animations) to enhance the presentation and include speaker's notes in the form of a full explanation of the slide image(s).

Use APA citations in the speaker's notes

Introduction and Clear Thesis Assertion (or Hypothesis) that cover the 5 W's - Who, What, When, Where, Why

Critical Analysis which applies an environmental science Law, Model, Theory or Policy. Note:

Critical analysis also requires Independent Research and brief acknowledgement of competing theories, etc.

Summary and Conclusion which echo the assertions in your Analysis and Thesis.

APA Style with emphasis on In-Text Citations and References List Slide (a final slide not counted in slide count)

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Biology: Create hour to hour and half long power point lecture 20-25
Reference No:- TGS02152634

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