
Create greater national unity

Discuss the following in a two page paper:

India as an economic force? It sounds odd to consider this fact based upon the India of 20 years ago, when people were fleeing to escape India's economic woes. However, today India as a modern economic power is a reality. One sign of this is that many jobs in the West, especially in the high tech fields, are being outsourced to India. After completing your assigned reading for the module, Discuss the impact of India's economy on the United States and other current world economic powers.
Hauss, C. (2015). Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges, 9th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. located at :

Dr. Rocal:  I put the extra $5 on this one.  Normally this one is $10 :)

China and India are commonly included in comparative government studies because of their differences, but the similarities are intriguing and important as well. It is widely known that China already had a billion people, but on March 1, 2001, the total number of people in India exceeded 1 billion according to the Census of India. https://www.censusindia.net
The sizes of the human nations and the physical nations are the first similarities you will probably notice. In contrast to the relative homogeneity of China, however, the diversity of the Indian population has to be taken into account.

Until recent years, the Indian National Congress party remained in power by virtue of its electoral successes. The Chinese Communist Party maintained an authoritarian, single-party regime through suppression of opposition. In spite of the differences, the dominating role played by a single political party ought to be noticed. It might be tempting to ask if the failure of the Congress party to maintain its broad appeal is a preview of the fate of the Chinese Communist Party.

Other similarities must also be noted. Both countries have created educated, technologically sophisticated elites coexisting with majorities of less educated and less technologically sophisticated rural people. The standard of living differences between these groups are remarkable. Will these cleavages result in a less democratic system in India and a more democratic one in China?

How will the needs and aspiration of the rural population be recognized in India? Will the political demands of those rural masses overwhelm the modern state in India? How does the urban-rural divide impact Indian politics?

India is pursuing economic liberalization. What are the constraints on those policies? What successes will be necessary to maintain support for them?

Another similarity that may be helpful to examine is the role of neighboring enemies. Will India use its long-standing border disputes with Pakistan to create greater national unity? Will political parties use an external enemy for domestic political purposes? The nuclear missile race with Pakistan should be examined for its effects on domestic politics as should the tensions in Kashmir. Will China and India find common goals to pursue as political creatures facing similar dilemmas?
Current News:
As always, be sure to catch up on today's news of this module's country - India. Check out any websites recommended in your readings. Also, try searching in your college online library for up to date news on India

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