
Create functions to simplify your code if you find yourself

Please implement each function SolveN. The number at the end of the function name specifies which game it is solving. Example: Solve2 is called to solve game 2.

If you would like to see the games look at gamedefs.py. DO NOT MODIFY gamedefs.py.

All of your code should be implemented in the robot.py file.

- Solve each game.

- Create functions to simplify your code. If you find yourself writing the same code over and over again, it should probably be made into a function.

- Consider using loops for repetitive task.

- Be creative with your solutions! There are many ways to solve these puzzles so

I am expecting unique solutions. I will be comparing students work!

- Try to keep your solutions a simple and small as possible. Keep working until you are proud of your solution.

- Use any programing concepts we have learned in class.

- Use the built-in functions (detailed below) to manipulate the bot.

Built-in Functions:

TurnOn - Turns on your bot.

TurnOff - Turns off your bot

TurnLeft - Turns the bot left. (Not there is NO TurnRight can you fix this?)

Move - Moves the bot it the direction that it is facing.

PickUp - Picks up one pickup (purple circle) the bot is standing on.

PutDown - Puts down one pickup if the bot is holding any.

IsAtPickUp - Returns True if the bot is standing on a pickup. False otherwise.

IsAtDeposit - Returns True if the bot is standing on a deposit block. False otherwise.

IsAtEnd - Returns True if the bot is standing on the end block. False otherwise.

IsClearAhead - Returns True if the bot has a clear path in the direction it is facing.

False otherwise.

IsClearLeft - Returns True if the bot has a clear path on the left. False otherwise.

IsClearRight - Returns True if the bot has a clear path on the right. False otherwise.

HasPickUps - Returns True if the bot is holding pickups. False otherwise.

HasError - Returns True if the bot encountered and error and failed. False otherwise.


- The bot must be turned on to perform any instructions.

- The bot must be turned off the end.

- The bot must be on the end block at the finish of the game.

- The bot can not be holding any pickups at the end of the game.

- All pickups must be placed on a deposit at the end of the game.

- All deposits must have at least one pickup on it at the end of the game.

- The bot can not try to move through a wall.

Notes on the files:

- You only need to work in the robot.py file.

- The .pyc files are compiled python files. They are in byte code and you won't be able to read them.

- Do not modify any code besides robot.py

- You will only submit robot.py


- Run main.py to test.

- Read the comments at the top of robot.py to learn what global variables you can change to affect testing.

- Report any bugs with the GUI to Sabrina or the TAs immediately.

- If the UI doesnâ€TMt come up, install Tkinter. Open up your terminal and type the following:

sudo apt-get install python-tk

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Python Programming: Create functions to simplify your code if you find yourself
Reference No:- TGS01008868

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