
Create frequency distribution with six classes for the data

For commercial banks in each state, the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has determined the percentage of domestic assets held by multibank holding companies.

AL-75% HI-48% MA-71% NM-56% SD-84%

AK-39 ID-85 MI-87 NY-86 TN-74

AZ-94 IL-74 MN-70 NC-86 TX-74

AR-43 IN-64 MS-19 ND-47 UT-80

CA-58 IA-30 MO-72 OH-82 VT-41

CO-76 KS-36 MT-66 OK-37 VA-85

CT-79 KY-61 NE-41 OR-89 WA-89

DE-62 LA-28 NV-66 PA-84 WV-61

FL-78 ME-86 NH-69 RI-90 WI-69

GA-83 MD-65 NJ-70 SC-52 WY-66

Construct a frequency distribution with six classes for this data

Display the distribution as a less than ogive

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Microeconomics: Create frequency distribution with six classes for the data
Reference No:- TGS0517775

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