
Create four worksheets one for each quarter of the year and


Using Microsoft Office Productivity Suite

Project 1: Using Microsoft Word

Problem Focus: Job of a Production Manager for a comic book publisher.

Imagine, you have taken up a new position, as a Production Manager for a comic book publisher, and one of the first project you are involved requires some of the things including: manage publishing schedules, create art and pictures for the comic book, coordinate designers and authors to ensure timely production of the books, select computers for the production team, and manage projects for your organization such as producing newsletters and setting schedules.

So for this assignment task, you will create and/or modify:

1. Microsoft word documents that you might encounter while working as a Production Manager for a comic book publisher.

2. A company newsletter, which includes company and industry news.

3. A flyer to promote an upcoming event for aspiring comic book writers, and a fax cover sheet using a template.

4. Finally, you will include your own personal resume.

For this project, you will need the following files available in Assign1Data.zip in Moodle in Week 2:

1. A1P1_Company_NewsIetter

2. A1P1_Workshop_Text

3. Equity Fax template from Word's installed templates

4. New blank Word document

You will save your files for Assignment 1 submission in Moodle as:

YourStudentID_A1P1_Modified_ Newsletter

YourStudentID_A1P1_ WorkshopFlyer



Project 2: Using Microsoft Excel

Problem Focus: Job of a Marketing Executive for an Entertainment Company

In this job role, as a Marketing Executive for an entertainment company, some of the things you might do are: use Microsoft Excel to plan and track budgets for events, award shows, parties, and tours; plan and budget for computer systems to support marketing events and marketing team members; and use Microsoft Excel to maintain expense records for events and talent contracts. You will normally work with multiple worksheets and enter formulas and functions to calculate totals and other statistics that you might encounter as a Marketing executive for this entertainment company. You will also format cells, insert charts and sparklines, and use Goal Seek in the workbook.

So for this task, using the raw data sheet EventEntertainment.xls, you will develop a workbook that details the expenses you expect to incur during the current year. Using this raw data:

1. Create four worksheets, one for each quarter of the year, and enter your expenses by month.

2. For example, the Quarter l sheet will contain expense information for January, February, and March.

3. Some of these expenses might include, but are not limited to, Mortgage, Rent, Utilities, Phone, Food, Entertainment, Tuition, Childcare, Clothing, and Insurance.

4. Include monthly and quarterly totals for each category of expense.

5. Insert a worksheet that summarizes the total expenses for each quarter.

6. Format the worksheet by adjusting column width and wrapping text, and by applying appropriate financial number formatting and cell styles. Insert a footer with the file name and center the worksheet horizontally on the page.

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Basic Computer Science: Create four worksheets one for each quarter of the year and
Reference No:- TGS01119731

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