Assignment Task: For the main program:
1. Create a file called students.txt and read in student data from a file into an array of Students
2. Find the student who got the highest grade on exam 1.
3. Repeat for exam 2 and exam 3.
4. Find the average grade for exam1, exam2, and exam3.
5. Find the standard deviation for exam 1, exam 2, and exam 3.
public class Student {
private String first;
private String last;
int[ ] examGrades;
public Student(String first, String last, int exam1, int exam2, int exam3)
examGrades = new int[3];
public String getFirst() {
public String getLast() {
public int getExam(int examNo) throws Exception {
public void addPoints(int examNo, int change) {
public String toString() {
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Student[ ] students = new Student[100];
students[0] = new Student("A", "M", 75, 80, 73);