
Create essay in which you describe the impact of personality


Steps for completing the assignment:

1. Carefully review the topic below

2. Write a 3-5 page essay, double-spaced, specifically addressing the topic listed below

3. Include a title page and a reference page, in addition to the 3-5 required content pages

4. Your essay must contain at least 5 references.

5. Write clearly, use correct grammar and format your essay according to APA

6. Save your work in a Microsoft Word file with the following name: YOURLASTNAME Assignment 2

7. Submit your assignment by e-mailing it as an attachment to [email protected]

8. Make sure that you e-mail the assignment from your own e-mail address.

9. In the subject line of your e-mail, write Assignment 2

Assignment Topic: An organization's greatest assets are its people (its human resources.) When the skills and capabilities of all employees are combined, an organization experiences synergy, which, in the end, produces its success.

As an employee, your success in the organization will depend, among other things, on your personality, your abilities and whether you believe that you can be successful. This last characteristic is directly related to your self-esteem.

Create an essay in which you describe the impact of personality, ability and self-esteem on your road to professional success.

Your essay should contain the following 3 sections:

1. Personality and Success. Are there specific personality traits that are more conducive to success than others? Is a certain personality type better suited to one organization, and not the other?

2. Ability and Success. What kinds of abilities are most in demand in today's marketplace? Are there skills and abilities that are in demand across organizations, regardless of the field of endeavor? How does your specific mix of abilities impact your job satisfaction at work?

3. Self-Esteem and Success. How important is it to believe in your ability to succeed? Do companies evaluate potential employee's level of self-esteem? How will self-esteem influence your satisfaction at your next job?

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HR Management: Create essay in which you describe the impact of personality
Reference No:- TGS01772081

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