
Create employment to qualifying personnel

Primarily, my project involves theestablishing of a JavaNet café where customers would enjoy coffee as they connect with their friends, relatives and others online. Mostly, many cafes within America offer one service only that is refreshment, where people converge to enjoy their favorite beverages. Most people like taking their favorite beverages while listening to music or even socializing with their friends on popular social Media sites such as Facebook and twitter. Coffee and other drinks go well with entertainment. For this reason, JavaNet is the only solution to this ever rising demand. People are increasingly pursuing unique platform for communication as well as entertainment using the internet. It is evident that the internet has become the source of happiness for people who have exhausted their entertainment reservoirs. With each passing day, the internet has been filled with fresh ideas from all over the world.

There are sites like YouTube and Motion pictures where people can share their life's best moments to the rest of the world(Castells, 2013). However, there are various challenges in regards to access of internet services. Most parts of America have strict regulations and don't allow people to access sites such as YouTube that provide entertaining content. The opponents claim that the sites have contents that can bring harm to the society and the end users at large. However, not all people watch abusive contents online, some use that opportunity to educate themselves and explore new things. For instance, it takes hours to travel from America to India to see the Taj Mahal. On the contrary, it takes approximately two seconds to search pictures of Taj Mahal from the comfort of a coffee café using the internet. Therefore, the aforementioned reasons have seen the need to establish JavaNet café where people can enjoy reliable, safe and secure internet as they sip their favorite beverages.

Over the past few years, technology has really evolved with massive inventions coming into existence. During the past twenty years, it took around two days for a message to be relayed from one place to the other(Castells, 2013). However, after technological inventions that has changed a great deal. One of the emerging technologies that have evolved over the years is the internet. The Internet being a network of computers has enhanced technological breakthroughs. It has made the world a global village where people thousands of kilometers away can communicate as if they were steps away from each other. After the invention of the internet, more fast and reliable channels of communications have emerged. Such channels have made the world a better place (Castells, 2013). With the invention of the internet, more technologies have emerged over the years. A good example is the emergence of social media such as Facebook and twitter. The social media sites have become a place where people from all over the world can socialize and get to know one another better.

Conversely,JavaNet, is not like the ordinarycafé where people just eat and drink from, it is a hybrid café that will provide its customers with a one of its kind environment for both communication as well as entertainment through the Internet (Dorogovtsev et al, 2013). JavaNet will become the answer to the ever increasing public demand. All over America, the general public wants a platform where they can have unlimited access to the methods of communication and volumes of information that are currently available on the Internet.

Secondly, the public also wants access to these facilities at a reasonable cost that is in line with their pockets. Something they can afford. Moreover the public wants access to such resources so that they are not isolated socially, economically and politically. Being isolated socially simply means that the people lack the knowhow on what is happening to the rest of world in terms of relationships. In that, they are illiterate when it comes to socialization and interactions. With reliable internet, people can interact with others from other parts of the world. A good example is, an American can use popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to meet his lifetime partner, like a wife perhaps, from other parts of the world such as Africa. Secondly, economic isolation means that the people don't have the knowhow when it comes to economic matters. For example, an American with investments in Africa cannot know how his or her investments are doing if he lacks proper information. Nevertheless, if that person has access to internet he can know what is happening on the ground. Politically, without adequate information from the internet people would not know what is really happening to governments from the rest of the world. Thus, JavaNet is the solution to all this.

Project Vision

Being a one of a kind facility in Arlington area, the café wishes to go beyond the expectations by delivering one of kind services to the customers. The café wishes to provide its customers with a unique environment where they can enjoy their coffee as they communicate with one another online. JavaNet also wishes to go beyond a normal cyber café by providing up to date ICT facilities to its customers. With up to date ICT facilities, customer satisfaction can be guaranteed. When the customers are happy with the services that are offered, there are high chances of them coming back with new ones. On top of that, customer satisfaction is the number one source of referrals. In that, a satisfied customer is most likely to refer others with the same needs. On the contrary, dissatisfied customer will most probably spread the news to others. Hence, customer satisfaction becomes one of JavaNet's visions.

Provision of quality services is the next vision. Quality services would mean that our services department will have relevant skills that are aimed at guaranteeing customer satisfaction. Our service department will also be empowered with public relation skills. In any organization, public relations are essential when it comes to maintaining a positive image between consumers and the general public(Griffin et al, 2012). As part of maintaining good public relations, a company should bring to the attention of the public any issue that may affect them. The latter guarantees customers' satisfaction. JavaNet staff would specialize in written communication.

Written communication is an imperative part and parcel of a successful organization. When JavaNet café management has a clear understanding of written communication in public relations, we will most likely lay down efficient corporate policies that would ensure that our customers are satisfied. Written communication in public relations is important because it minimizes misinterpretation unlike verbal communications. Written communication ensures that information is stored for future reference unlike the verbal one(Griffin et al, 2012). Secondly, written communication in public relations ensures that there is collaboration between employees. For example, the employees will follow a single written statement that will ensure collaboration within JavaNet café.

Project Objectives

1. To become the leading coffee shop in Arlington.

2. To be the leading internet provider in Arlington

3. To ensure that our customers are satisfied with our services

4. To provide a serene environment to our customers

5. To create employment to qualifying personnel

6. To provide quality bakery products to our esteemed customers

7. To create a leading phone call center as well as XBOX computer games at a reasonable price

8. To promote interaction between residents of Arlington.

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JAVA Programming: Create employment to qualifying personnel
Reference No:- TGS0550801

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