
Create draft of the opening statement

Assignment task:

This week, you will submit your annotated bibliography and a draft of the opening statement you will give to your panel. The opening statement should be one paragraph in length.  It should state your position on the topic in the third person and summarize the evidence you will present to support your position.  (Consider the opening statement as the introductory paragraph of your paper.)  You will gain feedback on this statement before submitting it as part of your paper in the Week 7 Panel Discussion. Please refer to the Term Project directions for details.

Hammack, Maria, E. Behind the Tower: A Brief History of Mass Shootings. The Public History Seminar at UT, Austin. 2016

MacBride, Elizabeth. Forbes: America's Gun Business is $28B. The Gun Violence Business is Bigger. 2018

Mass Shootings and Mental Illness, 2016, James L. Knoll IV, M.D., George D. Annas, M.D., M.P.H.

Alanez, Tonya, Fleshler, David, Hobbs, Stephen, Huriash, Lisa J., McMahon, Paula, O'Matz Megan, and Scott, Travis. Sun Sentinel: Unprepared and Overwhelmed. 2018

Hakim, Danny. The New York Times: When a Gun Maker Proposed Gun Control. 2018 November 2017

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