You need help with this database creation.
Create a database and call it csci2006. Use the following command:
create database csci2006;
Create a table and call it books. Use the following command:
create table books (isbn int not null primary key, title varchar(255), edition int, copyright varchar(255));
Create a table and call it author using the following command:
create table author (authorId int not null primary key, firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255));
Add five records to each table.
Here is an example of how to insert a record into books table:
insert into books (isbn, title, edition, copyright) values (234, "Java", 3, 2011);
What will be the result of the following queries?
select * from books;
select title from books;
select edition, copyright from books;
select * from books where title="Java";
select * from books where isbn > 234;
update books set title="javaScript" Where isbn = 234;
delete from books where isbn=234;