
Create consumer behavior audit project

Consumer Behavior Audit Project

The purpose of the project is to give students experience gathering and evaluating data that a firm might use to develop marketing strategies from the consumer behavior perspective. Each student will analyze a firm's current consumer behavior strategy, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make recommendations for ways to improve identified deficiencies.


Each student will select an existing firm and evaluate its consumer behavior awareness by performing a consumer behavior audit for that firm. The firm's business may be either product or service oriented, and may offer a single product/service or multiple products/services.

The student may use one of the following approaches from Appendix B: "Consumer Behavior Audit," Pages 731-736 of the text.

Using Appendix A (Pages 720-730) of the text as a tool to develop your project, create a data gathering instrument and actually survey customers or potential customers of the selected firm.
Also using Appendix B of the text as a tool to develop your project, conduct your audit with individuals who are in positions that would normally include perceptions of the selected firm's consumer behavior awareness, i.e., store managers or marketing managers. An interview format may be appropriate. If this approach is used, the audit will be better facilitated by providing the prospective interviewee with a copy of questions to be covered prior to conducting the interview.
Use a combination of the two approaches described above.

Regardless of the approach you choose, keep in mind it is unrealistic to expect any customers or firm representatives to respond to very lengthy interviews or questionnaires. Be sure to design your data collection instrument in a manner that shows respect for the time of your respondents.


Each student will give include a PowerPoint presentation of findings and recommendations.

A formal written paper (12-15 pages) is also due. The paper should detail the process of the audit, the findings, conclusions and recommendations. The following outline will be followed:

Cover Page - Consumer Behavior Audit, Name of Company (Product/Service), Name, MKT 318 Consumer Behavior, and Date

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Market Segmentation
III. Product Position
IV. Pricing
V. Distribution Strategy
VI. Promotion Strategy
VII. Product
VIII. Customer Satisfaction and Commitment
IX. Conclusion
X. References (text, internet web sites, company personnel interviews, correspondence, periodicals, etc.)
XI. Appendices (interviews, survey, promotional materials, etc.)

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Marketing Management: Create consumer behavior audit project
Reference No:- TGS01760217

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