
Create code of ethics and evaluation

Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper

Your task is to create an original Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper for your company or organization. You may also choose to create a Code of Ethics for a fictitious company or organization if you prefer not to use your employer. Codes of conduct for military do not qualify for this assignment. In your company Code of Ethics, please include the following:

guiding principles,

purpose of the code,

core values,

training and education,


what employees it covers,

how it will be implemented/communicated,

how it will be enforced and reported,

mission statement, and

other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive Code of Ethics.

The Evaluation part is to include the following:


strategic ethical formulation,

strategic ethical implementation,

ethical monitoring mechanisms, and

ethical performance.

You must include a short introduction and background of the company/organization and a summary of the Code of Ethics and Evaluation in the paper. The assignment should be at least 2000 words in length, double spaced, and 12pt New Times Roman font. The title page and reference pages are not included in the required paper length. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Your paper should contain at least five references in addition to the textbook. Business Ethics 5 include Internet sources, books, and professional journals or other pertinent resources. Do not copy or plagiarize others materials. Use references less than four years old.

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Other Management: Create code of ethics and evaluation
Reference No:- TGS01786854

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