
Create cave with necessary furniture inside in the mountain


Identifying Dwellings as Houses

The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. You will have the opportunity to apply this principle to potential dwellings and determine whether they are protected under the law.

Study the list below, and decide how each of them qualifies as a "house" under the Fourth Amendment.

Sailboat tied to the dock at the shore

Under-house shelter that the dweller made himself

Parked car

Big card box


Cave with necessary furniture inside in the mountain

Hut made of branches and leaves

Assume there are no extra issues concerned, the dwelling is legal, and it does not violate any property laws. Click here to download a template to document your answers.

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Other Subject: Create cave with necessary furniture inside in the mountain
Reference No:- TGS01969971

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