
Create between seven and ten metrics there must be at least

Chapter 6 Assignment

1. Create a list of product-level performance characteristics and the metrics used to measure achievement. The list must be sufficient to measure product performance for each of the needs categories you developed.

Create between seven and ten metrics; there must be at least one metric that correlates primarily with each of the needs categories. Some metrics will correlate with more than one needs category. Use the table below to list these metrics. Name each one and determine what would be measured.

a. You are not required to list every possible specification. However your specifications must be comprehensive in the sense that, when considered as a group, they represent all major aspects of the product's performance and quality. Each customer need must be regulated by one or more specifications.

b. Do not specify the product features to be included, specify methods for solving problems, specify materials to be used, or specify cost. These are not product-level performance specifications, and stating them would unnecessarily constrain your concept development activities.

Using the Truncated House of Quality (MS Excel file available in Canvas) as a template, create a correlation matrix that identifies the correlations between the needs categories and the product specifications and ranks the strength of each relationship. Use the needs categories you developed for the Chapter 5 assignment as customer needs inputs in the House of Quality's rows.

Determine importance weights for each customer need, based on the opportunity scores that you determined in the Chapter 5 assignment. Within the matrix cells, rate weak correlations using a score = 1 (triangle symbol), rate moderate correlations using a score = 3 (open circle symbol), and rate strong correlations using a score = 9 (filled circle symbol).

When there is no correlation, do not record a score in that cell. Use only as many rows and columns as needed for your input data. After recording all of your input data and ranking the appropriate correlations, calculate the column total for the importance of each metric. Calculate the relative weight for each column. For each product specification column in the matrix, use your opinion to rate the difficulty level for achieving the specification at its desired level. Enter this data in the Difficulty row located near the bottom of the matrix.

3. Analyze the interrelationships between the various product-level specifications. Use the roof of the same Extended House of Quality file as a template to show your results. If achieving one metric corresponds positively or negatively with achieving one of the other metrics then record the results of your analysis in the appropriate cell. Use only as many rows and columns as needed. Use the following rating system for your scores:
a. Strong positive correlation = ++
b. Weak positive correlation = +
c. No correlation = Blank cell
d. Weak negative correlation = -
e. Strong negative correlation = - -

Chapter 7 Assignment

Using your original product concepts, create three functional design concepts. The designs must be conceived so as to address your list of customer needs, and to perform the following three functions: Clasp/unclasp, and adjust for wrist sizes. Follow the steps outlined below:

1. Devisetwo orthree alternative sub-concepts for accomplishing each function. List and describe each sub-concept below, along with a sketch for each sub-concept. Describe and sketch only the portion of the system that would accomplish the related function. You will sketch a complete, integrated concept later.

Draw your sketches on a separate sheet and then scan them, take a CLEAR picture, or draw them digitally. Label each sketch (e.g., Clasp/Unclasp: Sub-Concept 1). Paste the image into your assignment document. Use the table provided below as a template for recording the information. Use only the table cells that you need.

a. Use TRIZ to establish at least one idea for one of your concepts. Refer to the technical contradictions in your House of Quality's roof (cells with - or - - ratings), state one or more of the contradictions in terms of TRIZ contradictions, look up the suggested solution concepts , select one or more concepts that are applicable to this situation, and then devise a particular solution that applies the concept(s) to this wristband problem.

Describe the contradiction(s) you focused on, the problem pair(s) you used, the concept(s) you selected, and state how you applied the concept(s) top your particular design solution.

2. Createthree concept combination tables (one for each of your functional design concepts), using the table you developed in the step above as a template. Identify three combinations of sub-conceptsthat would create a feasible product concept. Mark the path through the table, as is done in the examplesin your textbook (e.g., Exhibit 7-10, page 135).

3. Describe each of the combined product concepts in the space below. Draw a sketch each of each integrated product concept on a separate sheet of paper.Scan your drawings,take CLEAR pictures of them, or draw them digitally. Remember to label each drawing (e.g., Product Concept 1). Paste the images into your assignment document.

Chapter 8 Assignment

Screen your functional design concepts, revise the concepts as necessary, and then use a decision matrix to select the winning design concept. Follow the steps listed below:

1. Create a concept screening matrix similar to the one in Exhibit 8-5 of your text, and use it to screen your three functional design concepts. Use the +, 0, - scoring system shown in your text. You may use the template provided below.

2. Based on the results of your screening matrix analysis, describe your thoughts used in conducting the analysis. If there was a clear winner, describe why it was the best concept. If there was not a clear winner, then discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of each concept. Discuss the weak points of your winning concept and the strong points of your losing concepts.

Determine whether or not it is advisable to combine concepts into a hybrid concept, or whether or not is it worth investigating the creation of an improved concept (for example refer to the G+ concept on p. 155 of your text). Describe your reasoning. If you determined that a hybrid or an improved concept is needed, then create and name these additional concepts. Provide sketches.

3. Create a concept scoring matrix and score each of your design concepts. Using the opportunity scores for each needs category, created weighted scores as the criteria for the matrix. Use the template provided below, and use only the cells required for your analysis.

If you need to add columns for additional concepts, then you may insert more columns into the template. Based on the results of this matrix, determine which concept you would select for development, and describe, in detail, why it is the best concept.

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