
Create and use a transactioninputform class for use in

Assignment: Bank Accounts- using Classes with Member Functions and Separate Compilation:

You have been hired as a programmer by a major bank. Your first project is a small banking transaction system. Each account consists of a number and a balance. The user of the program (the teller) can create a new account, as well as perform deposits, withdrawals, balance inquiries, close accounts, etc.

For this assignment, you must use Classes and move functionality into the classes. Specifically, you should have at least the following classes:

1. A Bank class which consists of an array of Accounts and the number of accounts currently active in the bank.

2. An Account class which consists of a Depositor, an account number, an account type, and a balance.

3. A Depositor class which has a Name and a social security number.

4. A Name class which consists of first and last names.

You must add appropriate member functions (or methods) to each class so as to implement the functionality of each of the functions of the previous assignment (HW2). Each of the functions of HW2 should be re-implemented using a class method. (You will have to decide as to which class each method belongs.) In addition, each class should minimally have a default constructor and possibly additional parametized constructors. (Some of the HW2 functions may become constructors.) Also, consider whether any of your classes needs a destructor. Remember, all I/O should be done outside of any class method.

The data members of each class must be private. As such, you may need to provide accessor and mutator functions.

You must use separate compilation of your program modules: Bank.h, Bank.cpp, Account.h, Account.cpp, Depositor.h, Depositor.cpp, Name.h, Name.cpp, as well as the module containing the main() function.

As in previous assignments, initially, the account information of existing customers is to be read into the database. The bank can handle a maximum of MAX_NUM accounts. The program keeps tracks of the actual number of currently active accounts. A table of the initial database of active accounts should be printed.

As before, the program then allows the user to select from the following menu of transactions: Select one of the following:
W - Withdrawal
D - Deposit
N - New account B - Balance
I - Account Info
X - Delete Account Q - Quit

Once the user has entered a selection, appropriate functions should be called to perform the specific transaction. At the end, before the user quits, the program prints the contents of the final database.

As in previous assignments, make sure to use enough test cases so as to completely test program functionality. EXTRA CREDIT:

1. Use a Screen Input Form for entering the new account information.
2. Create and use a TransactionInputForm class for use in entering the new account information.
3. Create and use a TransactionInputForm class for use in all transactions.

HINT: one possible approach

1a. The Bank class should at least have a default constructor that would allow statements of the form: Bank bank;

1b. The Bank class should have at least have the following methods: bool openAccount(...)

int findAccount(...)
int findAccountSSN(...) Account getAccount(...) bool deleteAccount(...)

2a. The Account class should at least have a constructor that would allow statements of the form: account[j] = Account(...);

2b. The Account class should have at least the following methods: double getBalance(...)

Depositor getDepositor(...) int getAccountNumber(...) string getAccountType(...) void makeDeposit(...)
bool makeWithdrawal(...)

3a. The Depositor class should at least have a constructor that would allow statements of the form: depositor = Depositor(...);

3b. The Depositor class should at least the following methods: Name getName(...)
string getSSN(...)

4a. The Name class should at least have a constructor that would allow statements of the form: name = Name(...);

4b. The Name class should at least the following methods: string getFirstname(...)
string getLastname(...)

5. Add additional constructors and methods to each class as necessary.

6. All I/O should be done outside of the class implementations.

Attachment:- BankAccount2.rar

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C/C++ Programming: Create and use a transactioninputform class for use in
Reference No:- TGS02469731

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