
Create and develop a strong team with solid expectations -

A good team is as good as its leader who is in charge. As per my experience team leader plays a very important role on how the team and organization achieves its targets and goals. As per many experts when we try to build a new team it's critical that we devote our time and energy in establishing on how work with them and simultaneously achieve the goals. "People form opinions pretty quickly on each other's and these opinions tend to be sticky. If I was building a team I would take into considerations the following things:-

1) Create and develop a strong team with solid expectations: - I need to create a team atmosphere within my team with a sense on mission. I need to share my vision of what the organization can be, so that the team have a common purpose. Before I begin I will take a moment to appreciate the power of team work and how we utilize it as a tool. Here are some ways to develop a strong team

a) Make sure the team is set and ready to go: - I need to make sure I have planned, organized and structured my team to maximum potential.

b) Periodically hold team meetings: - Hold meetings weekly to go over goals and share the direction in which it is heading discuss issues etc.

c) Make their opinion count and always follow up: - People like taken seriously and if an idea is implemented, a strong sense of pride happens which can be contagious among team members.

These are some of the techniques I can use to create and build a strong team.

2) Motivate professionally and with respect: - To motivate you need to be direct, honesty and encouraging. If I am motivated it will spread enthusiasm to others. Need to have a good attitude the way I handle myself among others, talk to others will build good morale.

3) Recognize and Praise great work: - People like to be recognized and crave praise for doing good work. I should make sure to praise my employees as often as possible.

4) Evaluate and Appraise employee performance: - Giving a feedback weather positive or negative, can truly be effective if done correctly and timely. Employee evaluations can be positive, encouraging and good synopsis on how they are doing in many categories of their job responsibilities.

In addition to these steps there are various others steps like compensate and reward a job well done, People management skills, etc. which I can consider to build a good team. I would just say that people work better when they are happy and are part of a team to reach common goal. It gives them a purpose and they will feel like an important part of the company.


1) Does Team Building Work? By Cameron Klien, Deborah Diaz Granados, Eduardo Salas, Huy Le, C. Shawn Bruke, Rebecca Lyons, Gerald F. Goodwin retrieved from https://cu.learninghouse.com/pluginfile.php/449115/mod_resource/content/1/Klein_DiazGranados_Salas_Le_Burke_Lyons_Goodwin.full.pdf

2) How to manage your employees and build a strong team retrieved from https://www.masterclassmanagement.com/ManagementCourse-ShortStoryStrongTeam.html

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Business Management: Create and develop a strong team with solid expectations -
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