Create and apply the equation that would best allow you to

Please complete all the questions below:

1. An item costs $21.00. The sales tax is 8.75%. What is the total cost of the item plus sales tax? Show your calculations and the equation you used.

Let S = Sales Tax Owed

I = Price of Item
T = Sales tax as a decimal

8.75% (move decimal point two places to the left) - - 0.0875

I * T=S

12 * 0.0875 = 1.84

21 + 1.84 = $21.84

2. Solve for x:

17bx - 12 = 232
             +12 +12
17bx = 244

Divide both sides by 17b

x = 244/17b

3. Describe the steps to start a car. **US Vehicle

• Autrata Car:

1. Vek around the .. You wit be abe fa see if there are ry obstacles in toe or Gerd you.

2. Adds: your seat

• You reed to be hgh enough to see clery std close rough aa use the areterater and take. You eso need to be at bas:' 0 inches !rem the stern; wheel.

3. Midst your rheas

Bind rod can re mininzed cr ernated by sating the divensiee and passengerede mirrors correctly.

e. Must your headed

• If btu get n a crash. the headrest wIl support your head and could keep you tongs:erg •ridash. You need to preen i: perry before diving a car.

5. Must your wearing reel

• Must the steering wheel so ifs confrolate. Sighly bled is best.

8. &eke your seat lee

This is to err: serious injury or death in a crash.

7. Double reek to see :f the car s n per

• Ensure the gear ear a in Pair (P; and that ytur bee is fiery pressing the beer pedal before seen; tne core. as rest auenabes will net star: unless these pecautirs are Oaken.

8. Tuen en the green

• Car Ignition switch a the device in rid, we inert the car igniSon key. II a Shred en the dashboard or a the steering ruin near sear; wheel.
9. Ready to dive

• to put the car h drive: hold der the brake with year foot are then more Sneerer to ;earn -0' with your right hard.

4. Outline the key monthly progress report items for a one year project. What are the most important items that need to be discussed in a progress report?

Project Overview: Project Name. Project Manager. Brief description of project objective, Current lifecyle phase project is in. Projected completion date

Milestone Status: Key accomplishments since last months report

a. major phases or activities completed
b. issues resolved

High level project milestones:

a. Planned and actual or projected completion dates
Vision Status: Has the Project Vision (major project objectives) changed? Summarize the changes.

Status Summary Statement: Rectlyelbw/green to indicate seriousness of issues. Qualitative statement of state: Is the project on track? Struggling but team has action plans to address? In dire need of management assistance to recover?

Issues Detail (report major issues in this format):

a. Issue 1

b. Give a succinct statement of how it impacts the project if not resolved - cost issue? Schedule issue? Scope issue? Particular customer contract in jeopardy? What business objectives not met?

c. Action taken by team: Owner and summary of teams plan to resolve it, including key resources involved. and date by which team will have more information or know when issue is resolved. Action requested that management take (if any)

5. Below are some statistics on the performance of marketing sources. Create and apply the equation that would best allow you to compare the performance of the sources. Make sure to show your equation.

1979_Performance of marketing sources.png

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Basic Statistics: Create and apply the equation that would best allow you to
Reference No:- TGS0792788

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