
Create an x bar control chart for these data provide an

Overall Objective: Create an X bar Control Chart and a Run Chart:

An altimeter is a device on an airplane for measuring the plane's distance above the ground at any given instant. It's obviously a critically important performance and safety instrument. The Air Force does frequent testing on their fighter jet altimeters to ensure they are operating effectively and within statistical control. Your Excel data for this assignment represents the testing of a particular altimeter in a fighter jet over the course of twenty days. Utilizing the data, create a Control Chart and a Run Chart for your altimeter testing.

The testing took place over 20 days with 4 observations per day. The process standard deviation for altimeter performance is 6.8 and you will calculate your UCL and LCL with a Z value of 3.

Please complete the following for your submission:

1. Complete the data chart (in Excel file), filling in all highlighted cells correctly and adding your CL, LCL and UCL values to the data you will plot.

2. Create an X bar Control Chart for these data. Provide an appropriate graph title & series labels (legends).

3. In a small chart, calculate and list Zone A, B & C limits

4. Insert a text box on your worksheet and indicate if the process is in or out of control. If out of control, list all out of control rules that are met.

5. On a separate tab sheet (label the tab sheet), re-list the data in date order (Day 1 Test Readings 1-4, then Day 2 Test Readings 1-4, etc.) as a single row or column.

6. Plot your 80 readings as a Run Chart (line chart) and observe the performance of your altimeter for all test observations over time (the 20 days).

7. Insert a text box with your observations of the run chart. Do you see noise, seasonal/cyclic or trend behavior? Is there degradation of performance over time?

8. Finally, add a textbox with your recommendation for the Air Force: pull this altimeter for further testing and re-calibration or leave it alone and send it back into the wild blue yonder?

Attachment:- Practice Data.xlsx

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Operation Management: Create an x bar control chart for these data provide an
Reference No:- TGS01158068

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5/6/2016 1:02:19 AM

The assignment is all about creating an X bar Control Chart and a Run Chart. For the completion of the task, you have to consider the scenario and the information provided above. On the basis of that information you have to complete the following: 1) Complete the data chart (in Excel sheet), filling in all highlighted cells properly and adding your CL, LCL and UCL values to the data you will plot. 2) Prepare an X bar Control Chart for such data. Give a suitable graph title and series labels (that is, legends). 3) In a small chart, compute and list Zone A, B and C limits. 4) Insert a text-box on your work-sheet and point out if the procedure is in or out of control. If out of control, list all out of control rules which are met. 5) On another tab sheet (label the tab sheet), re-list the data in date order (Day 1 Test Readings 1-4, then Day 2 Test Readings 1-4 and so on) as a single column or row.