P.S.: As a reminder, your SQL statements should be generic enough to produce proper results EVEN if the data inside the database changes. For example, if I ask you to display the products provided by vendors located in TN, you can't manually extract the V_CODE for vendors in TN and use the results to search table PRODUCT for the corresponding products; instead, your query should be written using a join between the two tables and a WERE clause that include TN or something similar. NOTE: ALL SQL FILES MENTIONED BELOW SHOULD ONLY

Part 1: Writing More Complex SQL Queries (8 points - 2 points each): Save the SQL code ONLY for the following queries in a single .sql script file called Part1.sql. In addition, include each query (SQL command), along with its corresponding output, in your single report file (Word document please).
1. Create an SQL query that USES AN UNCORRELATED SUBQUERY2 AND NO JOINS3 to display the descriptions for products provided by a vendor in area code 615.
2. Create an SQL query that USES A CORRELATED SUBQUERY to display the descriptions for products provided by a vendor in area code 615 (a join is okay here).