
Create an outline of your paper first and compare it

Growth Strategies, Innovation, Alliances, and Execution



Use your textbook, Read the following:

Coe and Letza's 2014 article, "Two Decades of the Balanced Scorecard: A Review of Developments," from the Poznan University of Economics Review, volume 14, issue 1, pages 63-75.

Kaplan and Norton's 2007 article, "Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System," in Harvard Business Review, volume 85, issue 7/8, pages 150-161.

Thompson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland III, A. J. (2015). Crafting & Executing Strategy. "The Quest for Competitive Advantage". In T. A. Thompson, M. A. Peteraf, J. E. Gamble, & A. J. Strickland III, Crafting and Executing Strategy (20 ed.). New York, New York, USA: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Chapter 6, "Strengthening a Company's Competitive Position: Strategic Moves, Timing, and Scope of Operations."
- Chapter 7, "Strategies for Competing in International Markets."
- Chapter 8, "Corporate Strategy: Diversification and the Multibusiness Company."
- Chapter 10, "Building an Organization Capable of Good Strategy Execution: People, Capabilities, and Structure."
- Chapter 11, "Managing Internal Operations: Actions That Promote Good Strategy Execution."
- Chapter 12, "Corporate Culture and Leadership: Keys to Good Strategy Execution."
Smith, M.E. (2011). Formating a research paper in APA style [video file].

Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPhWhRlEWtI

Last assignment 10a1.
- It will focus on units 8, 9, and 10, and link back to some of the other portions in the course. Please review the assignment requirements and the scoring guide.
- Make sure you have done all the readings and then you can add additional articles from units 8, 9, and 10.
- Length: Minimum of 3,800 words.
- Format: Follow current APA guidelines for style and formatting; include a cover page and appropriate headings.
- References: Minimum of nine (9) PRJs and PJs and other references in addition to the assigned readings; you must include one new reference on theory and seven references on your case study organization.
- Research your case study, this assignment asks you for seven (7) new references in addition to, in addition to, your assigned readings from units 8, 9, and 10. As follows:

- Two (2) of those references, at most, are on theory, and
- Five or six (5 - 6) they are all about your case study company.
- This Assignment is going to be both a multi-national corporation(MNC)and one of their business units (SBU), strategic business units.
- Use The Wall Street Journal, you can use trade publications, SEC filings, like the 10K, McKinsey, Forbes, Fortune, Data monitor, Hoover's, you have lots of resources to come through to use.
- Create an outline of your paper first.
- Compare it against the requirements and the scoring guide. (Check for APA formatting and referencing, and submit it through Turnitin).
- Remember your target is to get it under 8 percent. I look closely at everything that is 8 percent or above.
- Now, specifically for this paper, it's a valuation on strategic management, innovation, planning, and ethics.
- Now, remember the research based on the last five years, you have picked one company.
- Moreover,you will be seeing the focus here in unit 8, 9, and 10, builds on, but now it is focused on growth strategy:
o Then within grow strategy?
o You build in what did they do for innovation?
o What kind of alliances or partnerships have they had?
o How good are they at execution?


1.- Multinational GE; then I can pick an SBU like commercial aviation or their jet engine division from GE.

2.- Multinational Boeing; and SBU if it was Boeing it could be commercial aviation.
Note: For this assignment, you will have more flexibility for organizing your paper, although the key ingredients remain the same:

- Introduction.
- Theory (a brief description of what theories will be applied to the case study SBU; no compare and contrast section needed).
- Body: Case Study Application (this will be the heart of your paper. Be specific, cover the readings, and demonstrate the level of application).
- Conclusion.
- References.
This is a 3,800-word minimum.
Items that need to be cover:

1.- Analyze the coverall competitive environment including market conditions.
- What is the competitive environment?
- Example: For GE and the particular business unit, what does it look like?

2.- Evaluate the current growth and new business strategies and implications.
- Evaluate current growth and new business strategies.
- What have the press said?
- What are they saying that they are doing?

3.- Define the organization's primary business model
- What is the primary business model, here in particular,
- What kind of business unit, looking for the business unit strategies.
- What are their target markets?
- What is their value proposition to market?
- Do they have any channels of distribution they used to get to the market?
- What is their cost structure?
- What is their revenue engine?
- How do they actually make money?

4.- Evaluate the Organization's competencies and sources.
- Elements from your readings and saying what does that look like?
- Within that, what are the competencies and resources?

5.-Evaluate the leveraging of growth strategies and resources through partnerships and alliances.
- How do I leverage on growth strategy in terms of partnerships, alliances, mergers, and acquisitions?

6.- Identify future opportunities for innovation (disruptive value, blue ocean, and/or fast second) based on pat success and failures.
- What opportunities for innovation has this corporation and business unit developed?

7.- Assess the organization's ability to effectively execute its growth strategies. Show how they compare with the eight components of the strategy execution model referred to by Thompson et. al., in Chapter 10 of your text, based on past results.
- Organize the ability to execute effectively its growth strategy, how good are they at sustained success?

8.- Define the organization's corporate culture and leadership and how they are evidence in this organization.
- Define the organization's culture and leadership.
- What is coming across in the press? For example, a sign of a strong culture is they're consistently rated as one of the best companies to work for.

9.- Create a strategy map. (Balanced scorecard).
- Balance scorecard.
- What needs for this map to be perfect? It need to have some specific elements.
- Identify them:
o What comes into it in terms of their customer focus?
o Innovation in their learning.

10. Conclusion.
o Business Model Canvas (Analysis)
o Balance Scorecard
o Tables of Comparison (PESTEL Analysis, Innovation, Blue Ocean, etc).

Follow APA (Six Edition) Writing Style standards (including headings).

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Strategic Management: Create an outline of your paper first and compare it
Reference No:- TGS02222701

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