
Create an online scavenger hunt - develop a series of

Creating Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are great tools to teach Internet navigation skills and basic computer skills to students while introducing, reinforcing or as a follow-up to academic concepts.

Students and/or teachers can develop a series of questions and hot link keywords to websites to locate the answers. After locating the answer, students can highlight, copy, and click Back to paste the answer in the scavenger hunt.

TASK: You need to create an online scavenger hunt using online sources.

- The theme of your scavenger hunt is any aspect relating to Children's Literature (a story (ies), an author, theme, etc.)
- You must create 10 complete questions.
- Answer key must be included with answers to questions and Internet URL where the answer can be found.
- No more than three questions can come from the same online resource.
- You must follow the format provided.

Put a Catchy Title Here Scavenger Hunt
By (Your-Name-Here)

Instructions: Type a paragraph of instructions here. Include such things as what the hunt is about, why you want your students to do this hunt and instructions for completing the task.

1. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

2. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

3. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

4. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

5. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

6. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

7. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

8. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

9. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here

10. Title of the Page to be visited
Type a question or an instruction here
Conclusion: If you want, include some closing comments here.

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English: Create an online scavenger hunt - develop a series of
Reference No:- TGS02701808

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