
Create an online dating profile for henry viii the profile

Overview and Goals

This assignment will challenge students to use historical information creatively. Choose one option for Creative History Essay #2.

Using information gained from their textbook and outside research, students will compose one essay that is organized, concise, engaging, and of academic quality.

The answer(s) should be in essay form (1-2 pages) with a 12-point font and 1 inch margins. Remember that this assignment is not to be an exhaustive manuscript on the topic; the essay should be short, concise, and engaging with a historical foundation. Be creative!!!

Option #3-Internet Dating for Henry VIII?

Create an online dating profile for Henry VIII. The profile should be in essay form and be dated after February 13, 1542. The profile should contain 1 photograph and substantial historical substance. The profile could be written by Henry VIII or someone else.

Note: You can have fun with this one-Henry VIII was known for the execution of several wives--Not exactly a "perfect catch."

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History: Create an online dating profile for henry viii the profile
Reference No:- TGS02373292

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