
Create an ongoing project for a group of 4 -5 year olds

Assessment Item - Reflective Writing

Practise writing an evaluation or reflection on an experience you have implemented with children in the past. (You may have to imagine some elements of this if you are not currently working with children)

In your evaluation, attempt to consider many of the points identified below, (although you do not have to address each one individually)

  • What did the child/ren learn from this experience?
  • How did learning occur during this experience?
  • What teaching strategies were used? (practice)
  • Were your teaching strategies effective in this experience?
  • Did the physical environment support learning?
  • What skills emerged/ developed and were mastered during this experience?
  • How can this learning be extended?

Your evaluation or reflection should be approx. 100 - 150 words.

Assessment item - Project

Create an ongoing project for a group of 4 -5 year olds that explores the interdependence between people, land, animals, and plants.

Your project should be typed up on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the back of your assessment book. In you project outline the following:

  • Name your project
  • Outline the topic
  • Develop a mind map or web of related activities that you believe would benefit the children with your chosen topic at its core
  • Name your introduction experience for the children (this will be one of the experiences you listed in your mind map or web)
  • Explain how this learning environment will be presented or set up
  • Prepare a list of resources (aiming to include as many recycled and natural materials as possible) for that introduction experience.
  • Prepare a list of open ended questions that will engage and encourage participation and exploration

Research 3 different homemade styles of gardens that you introduce to children in an early childhood setting.

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Management Theories: Create an ongoing project for a group of 4 -5 year olds
Reference No:- TGS02190996

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