
create an object model for the solar system using

Create an object model for the Solar System using the following link:
an abstract class called Planet and a concrete subclass called MilkyWayPlanet with default constructors (no-arg) and a full-arg, overloaded constructors (sets all data). Provide accessors and mutators for mass, diameter, escape velocity, revolution period and mean surface temperature (instance fields). If no value is provided from the data, then set that characteristic to some default value of your choice. Provide a toString() method to format the planet data.
Provide an interface called Relatable with two methods:
? boolean isMassSmaller(Object other );
? boolean isDiameterGreater(Object other); Implement this interface in the Planet class. Why? Provide a driver class that includes the following features:
? creates an instance of each MilkyWayPlanet class
? collects all planet objects into an array of Planets called solarSystem
? displays all planet data using its toString() method using polymorphism
? displays the comparison of the mass of any two planets of your choice
? displays the comparison of the diameter of any two planets of your choice
Provide a portable test script that executes the application and writes all display data to a file called mp1out.txt in a portable file system location (i.e. project top-level)
Comment your code and provide a detailed README (PDF only) file that includes:
• project description/abstract
• installation, compile and run-time requirements
• insights and expected results
• screen captures demonstrating all application capabilities
• generate project Javadocs API and move from the dist folder to a docs folder

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JAVA Programming: create an object model for the solar system using
Reference No:- TGS0202706

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