
Create an iphone app that displays the grading distribution


Create an iPhone app that displays the grading distribution of at least 3 courses you are taking this Spring 2018 semester. Using a Tabbed Application, dedicate each View for a separate course so you can navigate from one course to another using the Tab Navigator. In addition to displaying the basic course information in each View, the course grading distribution should be represented using Sliders where the max range for each slider is equivalent to the weight of what it is representing. For example, if the midterm of the course is worth 20% of the total course grade, then the Slider that represents the midterm should have a max value of 20. While a Slider represents each item in the course grade breakdown, the user should be able to adjust these sliders and the app should dynamically calculate the total grade for the course and display the letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) according to the current value of the sliders for that particular course.


Make sure your app runs properly on the iPhone 8 simulator, and the app is implemented using Xcode v. 9.2. with Swift 4.

Make sure your app name, images, and content are academically appropriate.

What to submit:

1. Your project files compressed in one zip file.
2. At least 5 screenshots of your running app (like those you see in the App Store when advertising the app).
3. A short app description (also like those you see in the App Store when advertising the app).

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Computer Engineering: Create an iphone app that displays the grading distribution
Reference No:- TGS02649940

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