
Create an informative web page about any topic that

Assignment Instructions

You must write the code files by hand for all assignments in this class. A simple text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++ will suffice. DO NOT use web page programs, such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc. You must write the code for your web pages yourself.

Make sure all of your web pages comply with the HTML 5 standards. DO NOT use deprecated (outdated) tags and attributes from previous versions of HTML. By including the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration in your webpages, and validating all of your HTML files at https://validator.w3.org, you can be sure that your code complies with HTML 5.

Create your file using a text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++, and name your file "LastFirstHomepage.html" where "Last" is your last name and "First" is your first name. For example, if your name is John Smith, you would name your file SmithJohnHomepage.html


Create an informative web page about any topic that interests you. Make sure that you write the content (the paragraphs of information about your topic) yourself. Do not copy content from other web pages. Your web page should contain at least 4-6 paragraphs of information, arranged in a logical manner (using headings and sub-headings appropriately). Use this as an opportunity to teach me something new about a topic which you are knowledgeable about!

Your web page must include all of the following:

1 Contains the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration
2 Correctly uses html, head, and body tags
3 Includes charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags
4 Use title tags to give your page an appropriate title
5 Give your page a background color other than white (Note: use inline CSS with the style attribute)
6 Use paragraph and line break tags appropriately
7 Use at least 3 different levels of heading tags
8 Include some centered text (Note: do not use the deprecated

tag for this! use inline CSS with the style attribute)
9 Include some bold text (Note: do not use the deprecated tag for this! Use the appropriate text-level phrase element instead)
10 Include some italic text (Note: do not use the deprecated tag for this! Use a appropriate text-level phrase element instead)
11 Include either an ordered list or an unordered list, containing at least three list elements
12 Validate your file at https://validator.w3.org/ and fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web page.

Note that all CSS for Assignment 1 must be inline CSS. Do not include an external CSS file or an internal CSS style sheet in this assignment.

The objective during week 1 is to ensure you understand how to write inline CSS.

Before submitting your web site:

You must validate all HTML files at https://validator.w3.org/ and you must fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web site for grading. All files that you submit are required to pass validation without any errors. Note: Keep in mind that the points allocated in the rubric below for validation are "all or nothing." In order to receive the points for passing validation, your webpage must pass validation against the HTML5 standard without any errors. Thank you for your compliance with this important requirement!

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: Create an informative web page about any topic that
Reference No:- TGS01675729

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