
Create an imaginary company that you have been operating in

Integrative Course Project

This project requires research, imagination, and logic in applying the content of this course and book. 

Step 1: Create an imaginary company that you have been operating in the domestic arena fro some time. You represent top management, and you have decided to "go international." 

Step 2: Describe your company and its operation, relative size, and so forth. Give reasons for your decision to go international. 

Step 3: Decided on an appropriate country in which to operate, and give your rationale for this choice. 

Step 4: State your planned entry strategy, and give reasons for this strategy.

Step 5: Describe the environment in which you will operate and the critical operational factors that you must consider and how they will affect your company. 

Step 6: Give a cultural profile of the local area in which you will be operating. What are the workers going to be like? What kind of reception do you anticipate from local government, suppliers, distributors, and so on? 

Step 7: Describe the kinds of leadership and motivational systems you think would be most effective in this environment and give rationale. 

Step 8: Identify the concerns of the host country and the local community regarding your operations there. What plans do you have to deal with their concerns and to ensure a long-term, sustainable relationship? 

Be sure to clearly and directly answer each section of the term project. Utilize concepts, terms, theories, and language from our course content and demonstrate academic professionalism in your writing. If you pull additional resources (recommended), be sure to follow APA guidelines. 

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Business Management: Create an imaginary company that you have been operating in
Reference No:- TGS01675763

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