
Create an essay on advertising and ethic

Create an Essay

This is a formal research paper (5-6 pages) based on an ethical issue. Examples of topics could include: photojournalism and ethics; advertising and ethics; privacy and ethics; violence and ethics, internet and ethics, impact of corporate media ownership on media ethics etc. As this is a research project you will be expected to:

1. Draw on one journal article and one scholarly book. If you cannot locate a relevant book, you will be required to use at least 2 journal articles (these can be accessed online). If you are unsure about accessing journal articles please contact the librarian for assistance.

2. Briefly summarize the significance of your topic to media ethics.

3. Provide at least one illustration of your topic from real life cases reported in the media

4. Present your own personal opinions on the issue.

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Essay Writing: Create an essay on advertising and ethic
Reference No:- TGS01801633

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