
Create an employeeexception class whose constructor

Write a Java application using NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for one (1) of the following programming assignments listed.    

#1 Employee Exception

Write a Java application that assigns hourly wages to employees.  Create an EmployeeException class whose constructor receives a String that consists of an employee ID and pay rate.  Create an Employee class with two fields, an identification number  and an hourly wage.  The employee constructor requires values for both fields.  Upon construction, throw an EmployeeException if the hourly wage is less than $6.00 or over $50.00.  Write an application that creates at least three employees with hourly wages below, above and within the given range.  Make sure that at least 2 exceptions are thrown and displayed.  Call this main class ThrowEmployee.


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#2 Grade Exception

Write a Java application that displays a student ID number and asks the user to enter a test letter grade for the student.  Create an Exception class named GradeException and throw a grade exception if the user does not enter a valid grade, A, B, C, D, F, I, W.  Allow for both upper and lower cases.  Catch the grade exception and display an appropriate message. Save the main class as TestGrade.


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Include a prolog stating what each class does and document your code. 

Remove all package statements.

Submit your Java application .java files using the Assignment Files tab.

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JAVA Programming: Create an employeeexception class whose constructor
Reference No:- TGS01249833

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