
Create an electronic spreadsheet using ms excel while you

Assignment: Networking & Communication - Module Assignment

Create an electronic spreadsheet using MS Excel. While you are encouraged to be creative, you will be graded on your ability to demonstrate an understanding of the module content and the ability to use the software application (Excel) to create a spreadsheet. All listed items below must be present and included in an Excel file.

You will create a new Excel file, name the file "Networking_YourLastName", and complete the work listed.

I. Content Expectations - tour spreadsheet should provide an overview and explanation of the following concepts

Define WAP
Explain the uses of a WAP
Define a switch
Explain the uses of a switch
Define a router
Explain the uses of a router
Define CATSE
Explain the uses of CAT 5E

Note: You must cite your sources using MLA or APA citation style. Additionally, you must write in your own words (paraphrase). Copying and pasting text from a website is never acceptable and is plagiarism.

II. Excel Functionality Expectations and Steps - The following Excel functionality and features must be included in your spreadsheet:

Title of your creation, merge & center the title across 9 cells (title should include your name) Apply Calibri font, Bold, and 14 point font size, use a font color of your choice other than black and apply it to the title

Apply a thick bottom border style to the merged title cells and color the cell with yellow fill

Create 9 columns labeled: Stores, WAP, Price, Switch, Price, Router, Price, CAT SE, Price

Apply Constantin font, 11 pt font size, bold, underline, and use center alignment on the column titles

Under the Stores column create 3 rows titled: Best Buy, Newegg, and Amazon

Apply Calibri font with a font point size of 11 pt to the row titles, do not apply bold

Go to bestbuy.com, newegg.corn, and amazon.com and locate similar or the same devices for a WAP, Switch, Router, and CAT SE (SO ft.) and fill in the prices for each in the appropriate cells

In the cells preceding each price insert the hyperlink to the web page where you found the price for that networking product

Below each pricing column (pricing for WAP, switch, router, and CAT 5E) create cells using the proper functions to display the average, minimum, and maximum values for that associated pricing column. Leave a space or two between the pricing information created previously and this new information just so it stands out, Label the row of cells Average, Min, and Max, accordingly

Use the currency number format on all pricing in the Average, Min, and Max cells

Bold the Average, Min, Max row headings

Move clown from the Average, Min, and Max information Cat least three rows) and create a title cell. Enter the text "Recommendation Option" in the cell and apply merge & center to 3 cells

Apply Calibri font., Bold, 11 point font size, use font color of your choice other than black on the title

Apply a thick bottom border style to the merged title cell and color the cell with orange fill

Under the title create four rows, one for each of your recommended product. In the 1st column list the store where you would find that product, next in the adjoining cell to the right put the copied hyperlink for the product you are recommending followed in the next cell to its' right the price of that recommended item. Repeat this for all four recommended devices. See example and use it as a guide if necessary

Apply a single underline to the last item price listed

In the cell under the last store listed (new row) type Subtotal as the next row heading, move down to the row under that and title that row heading Discount, and once again move down another row and title that row heading Total

Use a formula to obtain the recommended subtotal

Enter the discount rate you will use in the cell to the left of the discount. See example for clarification if needed

Use a formula that will calculate the discount

Apply a single underline to the discount calculated

Use a formula that will calculate the total

Use the currency number format on all pricing

Insert a picture of yourself on the spreadsheet

Below the picture, create four cells each merging 3 rows and 9 columns

Apply a thick black border style to each

Using text wrap answer four questions that are located on the bottom of the example at the end of this document

III. Discount Rate - use the day of the month you created your Excel assignment for the Discount Rate; for example if you create your Excel assignment on 15th day of the month (e.g. 1/15/2017) then the discount rate would be 15%, if you created the file on the 5th day of the month the discount rate would be 5%

Note: The functionality you are being asked to use were covered in the Atomic Learning videos. If you need to go back and review a tutorial, please do so.

IV. Submit your assignment - Access the module and upload your finished Excel file to the dropbox.

V. Scenario - Your best friend has just moved from student housing, which provided free wireless access to a new two story home. Your friend has asked for your help with the design of the network and if you could give him a few pricing options for a WAP, switch, router, and 50 ft. of CAT 5E cable. Your friend has a discount card that can only be applied to purchases from Best Buy, Newegg, or Amazon. Since it is your best friend, you have decided to help further by creating a spreadsheet that will give him/her three options for each component. In addition, being the good friend that you are, you are going to include a recommendation list which will include the subtotal, discount rate, total cost and a brief description of each component.

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Management Information Sys: Create an electronic spreadsheet using ms excel while you
Reference No:- TGS02237529

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