
Create an electronic poster displaying the message of your

Develop a Prevention Campaign

o The prevention campaign requires two items

1) a visual representation of the campaign - for example, use of MS Powerpoint to create an electronic poster displaying the message of your ‘campaign';

2) a brief (1-2 pages) description of the prevention campaign. This description must include the following information (found in textbook):

- The ‘Type of Prevention' the campaign represents

• Examples include Primary/Universal; Secondary/Selective; Tertiary/Indicated and explanation of how your campaign fits this ‘type'.

- The ‘Target Population' for the campaign

• Examples include High School students; College students; Current substance users; etc - all depends on who you want to focus prevention towards.

- The ‘Prevention Model' that the campaign most closely follows

• Examples of ‘Prevention Models' can be found in your textbook - include D.A.R.E.; Social Influence Model; Affective Education; etc.

- How you would ‘define effectiveness' and how you would evaluate ‘effectiveness' of the campaign

• Specifically, what would need to occur for you to be able to say your Prevention Campaign was effective and how would you go about evaluating this (will unlimited resources). For example, "I would know my prevention model was effective if there were no underage drinking tickets for college students each year' ‘I would evaluate this by receiving a report from the college regarding the number of tickets given out during a given year'.

• Report on a Suggested Treatment Modality

o For this report (4-5 pages), students will research treatment modalities (at least 2) that are found to be most effective for the class of substances chosen for the project. For each treatment modality, students will provide:

- An in-depth overview based on the research:

• what is/are the treatment modalities

• What does research say about the effectiveness for the chosen class of substance

- Pros and Cons of the treatment modality

- Personal reaction

• how well or not well do you believe the treatment modality will be at effectively treating a client who abuses the ‘chosen class of substance'

o It is expected that you utilize the textbook and at least 3 other sources to cite as research (2 of which must be scholarly sources - not websites). Citations and References must by in APA format.

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Business Management: Create an electronic poster displaying the message of your
Reference No:- TGS01109646

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